Posts tagged ‘Change’

January 23, 2012

Hey, Subscribers!

My husband, John, is an email subscriber to my blog. He commented the other day that he wasn’t getting notices of new posts since I switched URLs. We figured there are probably more folks out there in this situation (in fact, my blog stats prove it!). So here’s a note to let all email and RSS subscribers know that in order to continue receiving post updates, you need to re-subscribe at my new URL:


Sorry for the inconvenience! If I knew an easier way to make this happen, I’d do it. Except I don’t, so . . . sorry.


Please resubscribe! New Jacob photos coming very soon . . .


January 3, 2012

New Year, New Address

I’ve finally done it! I’ve finally made the switch over to my own URL:

All the archives are there, and new posts will start tomorrow. Stay tuned, because there are some major goings-on around here.

There are still a few tweaks to make, but for the most part I’m all moved in. Come join me!

November 18, 2011

The Glory of Autumn

Entirely because it’s my only experience, it seems to me that autumn is the best time to have a baby, at least in this hemisphere. You’re not pregnant enough the winter before to need a maternity coat. You can get away with flip flops and dresses when you feel enormous in the summer. And after the baby’s born, when you feel like you just want to stay inside all day in yoga pants, you can, because it’s getting cold out, and you wouldn’t want to get the baby sick, now would you?

I’m sure whenever I had my first baby would seem to me to be the best time to do it. But I do have one more reason why autumn (technically the last day of summer) is the best: because a year later, when your little one has just learned to walk, you can take pictures like these:

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